Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dear Barack Obama,

While I am still not sure if I want to vote for you, my generation views you as an agent of change. You are not a Clinton, and you have not been in Washington your entire life.
You've managed to take a lot of youth disenfranchised with the electoral process (for many of us, 2000 was the first time we could vote) and made them enthusiastic about choosing a new leader.
That is why you can not listen to Howard Dean and make a Democratic Dynamic Duo of you and Hillary. I beg of you. There's no way they will let you be President, you will have to settle for VP. Please don't tarnish your image like that. Some Republicans actually like you, they all hate her. With her on the ticket those moderates you have won over (you know, the non-super Christian Republicans) will immediately not vote for you. They hate her. To them, she is enemy #1. There is nothing they hate more.

Also, her hair is always unchanged. I am convinced it comes off and is re-applied a la Darth Vader's helmet in Return of the Jedi.

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