Sunday, June 1, 2008

what do i do when my love is away

I went with a friend and some of her friends to see 'Sex and the city.' Mock me if you must.

While I am not a fan of the show, and only saw my first episode a couple nights ago, I have to say there were a couple things about the movie I liked (I did not like the movie btw).

The fact that the show/movie takes place in New York is a plus. It just made me affirm how much I love it here. Not just for the things to do -- it is completely true you wind up with a few very close friends here who will become your surrogate family. In fact, there is a group of us who get together at least once a month for 'family dinner,' so that we at least have that where we are all together at once. Contrary to what you see on the show, it is quite difficult to get six schedules to all match up with a free night.

There have been quite a few times where I (or them) have needed support after a particularly bad day, experience, week, month, etc. and they come out in full force. I am not ashamed to admit I have called people and said, "I need you now," and not in the sexual sense.
If you want to perk yourself up with a tsunami hot dog at Criff Dogs, they will be there to share your cheese fries. Sex lives are known, along with sexual history (this is fun when many of your friends have been gay at some point in their lives). Certain subjects and events will never die and always be funny (Halloween 2006, I gave them permission to tell that story to my parents), and it is just comforting to know there is help in this jungle.
And it is a jungle. This town can be incredibly lonely. It was when I first moved here. But I managed to build something out of nothing, as many others have done and continue to do. And I fully offer my support to anyone who is beginning to build, is building, or has built some sort of life here.
Because, like the man says, I get by with a little help from my friends.

Anyway, the more I watched it, the more I identified with the show. Not the plot or anything like that, just the concept of a few friends in NYC helping each other get by. Maybe I'm getting nostalgic because my four year NYC anniversary is coming up in a week, but it was really refreshing to be watching something and not envy the people on screen, because it just felt like a Hollywood version of my life.
And isn't that what we all want?

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