Sunday, April 27, 2008

It's been a crappy few months. I'm not gonna lie. I wound up having the flu for a few days, and was hallucinating on my futon. It was not pretty, and I lost ten pounds.

I used to wonder how people could lose touch with the friends they care about, and that is exactly what is happening. It's funny, some of my closest friends at school used to question my choosing to be friends with other people, but it now turns out those close friends make no effort to stay in touch, while the ones they questioned are always in touch and making sure I'm okay.
Weird how that plays out, isn't it?

I may be in DC this week. I'm actually hoping for it, because then I can see my friend Txxx and sort-of get away from here for at least a day. We had a nice talk the other day about all the crap we've been going's nice to know when you're falling down, someone else is falling down too and if you lean on each other you can prop yourselves up just a bit.

And life in New York is...blah. It's not falling apart or anything, but there have been events, actions, and people over the past few weeks that have left a bad taste in my mouth. I don't know. I haven't felt this crummy in a while. Not much is funny.

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